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Gail Keirstead
Assistant Educator- Apohaqui After School Director
Gail has been a member of Lisa’s team since 2010. She is an Assistant Educator as well as the Apohaqui After School Village Clubhouse Lady! Gail is ECE Certified and always looking for ways to extend her education. Two of Gail’s favourite people are her son Jamie and grandson AJ. She lives in Head of Millstream with her husband Kevin.

Gail Keirstead
What do you value most in your friends?Mutual respect, trust, honesty What do you consider your greatest achievement? My son What is your greatest regret? Waiting til age 39 to go back to school What is your idea of perfect happiness? When I hear my small boy call me ‘ his GaGa’
What is your current state of mind? Depends on the day of the week Which living person do you admire most? My son – because of all he has accomplished in his life Which words or phrases do you most overuse? “ nobody wants to see your…..” 😊 Where would you like to live? Happy where I am
What talent would you most like to have? To be able to draw legible pictures What is it you most dislike? Putting my trust where it isn’t deserved or honoured What is your favourite travel destination? Eastport Maine What is your greatest fear? Besides snakes- failing What is your motto? It is what it is