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Christa McFarlane

Assistant Educator

Christa joined our Lisa’s Playhouse team in October 2021. Christa is no stranger to us as two of her children had previously attended preschool with us.. After years in the service industry, Christa decided to make a change to the field of Early Childhood in 2021. Her interests include camping/hiking in Fundy Park and watching her children play sports. Christa lives in Plumweseep with her husband Kevin, their children Hayden, Camden and Jessa and their dog Harper.


Christa McFarlane

What do you value most in your friends?

Someone who is genuine and never judges you. Someone who you trust and are completely comfortable with.

Which of your characteristics do you value most?


What do you consider your greatest achievement?

Of course, my three wonderful children

What is your greatest regret?

No regrets, I believe everything happens the way it’s supposed to

What is your idea of perfect happiness?

A day well spent with my family creating memories and being able to sleep in as long as you want 😊

What is your current state of mind?

Nervous and excited for beginning a whole new career- just wanting to live peacefully with my family.

Which living person do you most admire?

My 8 year old son. He has three medical conditions, but he rarely lets it get him down. He goes out every day and spreads joy with his huge heart.

Which words or phrases do you most overuse?

‘Boys- stop fighting!’ Brotherly love haha. and ‘I love you, too’

Where would you like to live?

In a cozy cabin in the woods with a water view and a babbling brook.

What talent would you most like to have?

To be able to sing!

What is it you most dislike?

People who lie, steal, or hurt others.

What is your favourite travel destination?

PEI in the summer but would love to do a European tour some day!

What is your motto?

Live and let live

Our educators

A.k.a., The people who will love your children as if they were our own. 
Lisa Brown
Founder, Director- Lisa’s Playhouse / Tír na nÓg Forest School /Shining Light Conference
Seamus Brown
Owner/ Maintenance/ Security
Norah Deveau
Administrative Director
Bernadette 'Bertie' Sears
Team Supervisor/ Schedule Manager/Outdoor PreSchool Educator
Erica Baxter
Outdoor Preschool Educator/Team Supervisor
Kimberley Otis
Outdoor Preschool Educator
Crystal Fudge
Lead Infant Educator
Samantha Charlton
Infant Educator
Karen Peterson
Two's Room Educator
Gail Keirstead
Assistant Educator- Apohaqui After School Director
Lorilee Parlee
Assistant Educator
Heather Keating
Head of Housekeeping/Support Staff
Haley Wiggins
Preschool Lead Educator
Gillian MacLean
Twos Room Lead Educator
Christa McFarlane
Assistant Educator
Finnbar Brown
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